I just came with an idea to write a conceptual article entitled
"Rethink ELT: from Linguistic Competence to Global Competence"
I am still not clear about my argument.
Historically, in 1965? linguistic competence was introduced by Chomsky and later promoted by many in the field. Later on in 1966, the idea of linguistic competence was criticized by some, one of those was Hymes who introduced Communicative Competence.
A shift from Linguistic Competence to Communicative Competence also had implications for ELT (e.g. from accuracy to fluency, from drilling to communicative tasks).
Now 2019, more than 50 years, given the world has dramatically changed. Many fields (such as Physics, IT, Communications) of studies have changed. So is it time for us (ELT researchers or practitioners) to shift our perspective?
I (may) argue that it is time for ELT researchers and practitioners to pause and rethink about ELT. I ask myself several questions such as
1. Is English a language or a competence?
2. Can language be a type of competence?
3. What does global competence mean? (you can google and see PISA.)
4. Is it necessary to shift a view? Why?
5. What implications from shifting the view?
I would appreciate your ideas, comments, or any questions you may have.
Thank you