by Manuela
Gonz?lez-Bueno. LLT journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, January 1998, pp. 55-70
- A foot in the world of ideas:
Graduate study through the Internet
by David Nunan. LLT
journal, Vol.3, No. 1, July 1999, pp. 52-74
- Discourse functions and syntactic
complexity in synchronous and asyncronous communication
Susana M. Sotillo.
Montclair State University, pp. 82-119
- Computer mediated communication: A
window on L2 Spanish interlanguage
Robert Blake. University
of California, Davis, pp. 120-136
- Hypermedia, internet communication,
and the challenge of redefining literacy in the electronic age
Cameron Richards &
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, pp. 59-77
- Authenticity and authorship in the
computer-mediated acquisition of L2 literacy
Claire Kramsch.
University of California, Berkeley &Francine A'Ness; Dartmouth College;
Wan Shun Eva Lam. University of California, Berkeley, pp. 78-104
- Exchanging Ideas with Peers in
Network-Based Classrooms: An Aid or a Pain?
Sima Sengupta. Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, pp. 103-134
- E-mail and Word Processing in the
ESL Classroom: How the Medium Affects the Message
Sigrun Biesenbach-Lucas.
American University; Donald Weasenforth. The George Washington University, pp.
- Categorization of Text Chat
Communication Between Learners and Native Speakers of Japanese