A few days ago, I was chatting to Sachiko about her research and she mentioned how laborious transcribing interview data was. Since I had mentioned how useful SoundScriber is in the RM course, I asked her if she was using it. She said 'No', since she uses a Mac. Without SoundScriber transcribing is truly laborious, so I showed her how it works on my computer and mentioned how Steve makes transcriptions (using SoundScriber on a PC, and typing on his Mac). Once Sachiko realised how useful SoundScriber is, she asked me why I hadn't told her in the RM course that she MUST use SoundScriber when transcribing.
Dictating to students what they must do goes against all principles of learner autonomy and reducing power gaps between teachers and students, but in this case using must might have saved Sachiko a lot of pain. Is dictating to students what they must do justifiable, and, if so, when? Do the benefits of making students' lives easier outweigh the potential reinforcement of power differences?