Since beginning my PhD journey I have become fascinated, need I say OBSESSESED, with observing verbal interaction.
I am especially interested in the manner that individuals interact with law enforcement officers during First Amendment Audits in the good ole USA. As one can imagine the US does not have the best track record for peace officers exhibiting the most professional behavior. Take a look at this link for greater insight into First Amendment Auditing ... udits+2019
According to Wikipedia, "First Amendment Audits are an activity categorized by its practitioners, known as Auditors, as an American social movement of activism and citizen journalism claiming to test constitutional rights; in particular the right to photograph and video record in a public space."
I find this type of interaction most intriguing. I have access to the contact information for about three dozen First Amendment AUDITORS so I was thinking about doing a small discourse analysis project on some of their interactions with peace officers.
What do you think about this line of research?